Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Canh cu sen duoi bo (Lotus root and oxtail soup)

It has been really cold and miserable these last couple of days. Most of the time, I would whip up a stir-fry or salad for dinner. But tonight, I wanted something else. I wanted something mum used to make, so I cooked a simple soup of lotus root and oxtail. I often recall my mother making this soup, it would not only warm up and nourish the body but heart and soul as well. It's something that I always love having and it's something that always bring back fond memories.


1 oxtail (cut into large chunk)
1 kg lotus roots
2 onions
2 carrots
1 knob Ginger
2 tsp salt


1. Wash an drain oxtail and add to stock pot with 3 Lt of water.
2. Bring water to a boil and skim off any impurities. Lower heat to a simmer and Keep skimming any impurities that rises to surface.
3. Peel onions and roughly slice ginger and add to stock. Simmer for 2 hours and season with salt.
4. Peel carrots and lotus roots. Cut carrots into large chunks and lotus roots into 1cm slices.
5. Add to stock and cook for another 30 minute or until carrots and lotus roots are cooked to your liking.
6. Taste and test for seasoning.

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